This auction is hosted by the platform EMMA using the e-payment platform- STRIPE.
To bid on an item, you need to sign up to the EMMA platform.
Click on the “Sign In to bid button” on the item of your choice.
Click on the Sign-Up button on the page or Sign In if you’re already an account holder.
Go through the steps to verify your information and create an account.
You should receive an automated email and an SMS with easy access to this event once registered.
(You can access your account details at any time in the YOUR ACCOUNT section on the event site)
Once you have set your communication preferences, you will be taken back to the item and can place your bid.You will need to Pre-Authorise your payment card to place a bid.- NO MONEY WILL BE TAKEN OFF YOUR CARD AT THIS POINT.
Once your card is stored, you’ll be taken back to your item page where you can place your bids.
Once the auction is closed, you will receive an automated email notifying you of your winning bid. As you should have already pre-authorised your card, your funds will be automatically collected. Should your card fail for any reason, you will be sent a new link to pay for your item.
Once the payment has been processed, and after Monday 10th July 2023, The Truants Foundation will be in touch to arrange the shipping. A postal address will be needed and for some items, a quote will be obtained via our courier company- CRAWFORDS –
You may need to pay for shipping separately. An invoice will be sent to you by The Truants Foundation for payment once a quote is agreed. Once that is paid, your item will be shipped to you.
You do have the right to refuse the quote obtained by our courier and are within your rights to arrange your own collection of the item. The Head Of Operations for The Truants Foundation will be happy to assist via email.
EMMA platform has its own T’s & C’s which The Truants Foundation abides with. You will only be added to our HMT marketing database if you request to do so.
Email addresses will be used only for communication between The Truants Foundation and yourself regarding your bid.
Your home address details will be passed onto our courier- CRAWFORDS to obtain a quote for shipping. Once you have received your item, your address will be removed from our systems.
Your payment details are all kept securely by STRIPE. For more info on their T’s & C’s, please click here.
For more information, please email: